Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Dear Sisters of Holbrook,

I have decided to create this blog in hopes that it will be a place where you can know what's happening in the Holbrook Relief Society.

Here is what you will find in the future on this blog:

  • Upcoming Activities. We will have a monthly activity and smaller special interest classes as we feel necessary. I will post them here and on the church bulletin boards.
  • Re-cap of Activities. I will make a real effort to blog about activities that have happened, as well as post pictures for those who weren't able to attend. This way, all of us can be kept informed of the goings-on. And it might get more of you to participate if you see how much fun we're having, right?
  • Provident Living Newsletter. Each month, I will put together a simple newsletter to fulfill my responsibilities as the Relief Society Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. It will cover a variety of subjects. That newsletter will be posted on this blog, but hard copies will be provided for those who want them.
  • Birthdays, news, community events, etc.

All of this is a lot to promise, but I will do my best! I am very excited about this, and about the changes we are making in the Relief Society to bring us closer together.

Our first activity will be March 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the church. Below is the invitation (I have hard copies to hand out on Sunday):

It will be a Favorite Things Birthday Party. This means each of you are to bring an item that is one of your "Favorite Things." It can be anything---a book, movie, kitchen gadget, personal care item, article of clothing, food, etc. Get creative and come prepared to tell us why you love this item. It'll be a fun night with good food, lots of laughter, and a time to be together as sisters.

Thank you in advance for your support---we need it!


  1. Sounds great! I'm excited to see everyone's favorite things !

  2. Thanks for doing this. For those of us that are away it helps to feel part of the Ward. Another touch would be to have any changes in the Ward posted in the blog so we feel part of it. Peggy

  3. Thank you for the invitation. I am not sure when we will be back out there but hopefully very soon. Jerry is doing quite well and is in Salt Lake today to be fit for a prosthetic eye. Thanks to all for the prayers. Edie
